FundScrip is an established, Canada-wide fundraising program in which your supporters pay for their shopping (groceries, gas, home & garden, entertainment, restaurants, and much more) with gift cards. Each purchase automatically includes a donation to your cause. Really, you're just asking supporters to change their method of payment! *
The supporter doesn't pay out of pocket for this fundraising

The Basic Concept*
Encourage supporters of your campaign to pay for their everyday expenses & gifts with gift cards bought from FundScrip. Each purchase automatically includes a donation to the campaign. The supporter isn't out of pocket, and they shop where they would normally shop. *

Payments to be made by 15th of every month to receive gift cards by first week of following month.
You may make payments via etransfer to
Pay by credit card using the platform below (you may set the platform contribution to zero by choosing the option "other")
Please reach out to us at for any fundscrip related queries
Help us raise fund by being a supporter
Please contact Fundscrip for issues with card at
Read Fundscrip FAQ at
Become Supporter by enrolling
Acknowledge the receipt of your ordered gift cards

*Contents on this page are taken from fundscrip website